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Choose one of our Programs below or work with us individually to create your own experience.


At Stronger Wellness & Nutrition, we're passionate about helping you reach your health goals!  We not only have years and years of experience, the credentials, and extra training in this area - but we are this age as well!   Because of working with 1000's of clients we can view the whole picture with expert eyes to guide you appropriately.   We’re excited to provide the services and support you need to focus on WHOLE BODY HEALTH. Hormones, Metabolism, Glucose, Nutrients, Gut Health, Sleep, Stress Management, Accountability, Body Confidence...oh my.....Let's do the Detective work and get you feeling your best!! Health and Vitality is absolutely FOR YOU!

 Do the Detective Work - Whole Body Health 

Hormones, Metabolism, Glucose, Nutrients, Gut Health, Sleep, Stress Management, Accountability, Body Confidence


Who is this program uniquely designed for?

  • Someone who wants help prioritizing all the pieces they have learned along the way - and to learn about what really works.

  •  Access to true experts with over 25 years working with individuals in the nutrition & wellness realm. (not AI artificial intelligence apps)

  • Self starter but would really love (or needs) the accountability piece

  • The person who is busy but doesn't want to keep putting their health on the back burner.

  • Looking for realistic tools to reach goals ~very  "doable".

  • Someone wanting evidenced based long-term solutions that stick for healthy weight and vitality.

       A great way to jump in and get started!        ONLY  $ 130.00 for 4 weeks

of amazing support and guidance


Here is what you get...... 


  • Get Educated and Prioritize for you - Including 2 education videos  "Wellness Over 45' (Jen) and Hormones & Fat Loss (Kim) Movement Piece.

  • Effective & Individualized Goal Setting

  • One Hour Zoom or in Person Nutrition Visit

  • Weekly Email Check-Ins (Accountability)

  • Food Journaling and Personalized Feedback

  • Daily Access / Questions for Kim or Jen - Through our Free App.

  • Tools for Protein & Fiber sources

  • Hormone Healthy Recipes

  • Fitness Basics Video 

  • Month to Month - no pressure to continue but always an option - we also have payment plans

Who is this program uniquely designed for?

  • Someone wanting 2 more individualized visits either zoom or in person with Kim or Jen to dig deeper into whats listed here in Deeper Dive.

Here is what you get for 6 weeks for $265.00


  • Everything Included from the Above Jump-Start Program PLUS......

  • 2 more in person or zoom follow- up visits       (3 visits total) which may include the following:

    • Supplement Evaluation & Recommendations         plus 25% off 1000's of High Quality Nutritional Supplements. 

    • Deep Dive into Individualized Symptom                   Management.

    • Closer Look at Gut Health.

    • An Individualized approach to brain health,          good mood & stress support with nutrients and wellness "toolbox".

    • Evaluation and recommendations of any testing you decide to do with us or elsewhere.



 Stronger Women over 45 

  only $25 each 

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      Not Sure Where to Start?    

 Book a visit and we can choose the best for you together.   We are flexible and as we meet can adjust the visits and cost to create your best plan - deciding on how many visits after meeting us. 

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