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Optimal Nutrition & Cancer

Some of our clients are looking for customized Nutrition Support and Wellness Strategies for the prevention and treatment of cancer. For many, the most useful strategy is to eat a plant-based diet (with some animal proteins still) but focusing on a wide variety of colored fruits and vegetables (truly 7-9 daily). But then also including Cruciferous vegetables (3-5 times a week) like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, or kale – these specifically shine brightly in the research. Berries are rich in beneficial phytonutrients and antioxidants.

To reach increased protein needs – include the leaner animal protein choices but decrease your intake of animal fats in general and specifically avoid red meat and higher fat dairy products to control cancer-promoting inflammation in the body. If the liver or kidney is involved – then protein amounts should be customized based on labs. If you experience gut side effects, have weight loss, or the inability to eat enough, get support from a Registered dietitian to avoid malnutrition.

Refined sugar and carbohydrates are not beneficial for individuals living with cancer because of their effect on insulin production and insulin-like growth factors, which promote inflammation and are also associated with cancer cell division.

Organic fruits and vegetables are expensive, but they are the best choices for cancer patients, not just because they’re grown without pesticides and agricultural chemicals but because plants grown outdoors organically need to protect themselves from other plants, predators (insects, birds and animals) and the sun. Organically grown plants do this by producing more intense protective chemicals, known as phytonutrients, which are beneficial to us.

Season food with ginger, garlic, onions, turmeric, drinking green tea, all of which have anti- inflammatory effects. Avoid or limit alcohol, men who drink alcohol should limit themselves to a maximum of two drinks daily and women to a maximum of one. For high-risk individuals: ideally limiting to 0-1 drink a week is the safest.

Supplements: Adjusting your diet – is the first most powerful step you can take – more Fruits and Vegetables – less processed foods along with Anti-inflammatory / immune system promoting dietary changes. Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids if low is usually safe and helpful to address and supplement as needed. These levels can be checked by a Functional Nutritionist, Naturopathic Doctor, or Registered Dietitian. Supplements are sometimes used to help with sleep or digestive symptoms but otherwise use caution with herbals and supplements that could interfere with your treatment. If you read about something that claims to be helpful, ask your doctor or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist about that specific supplement and brand you are considering.

Overall, an Anti-Inflammatory diet that emphasizes fruits & vegetables, whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids, (fish eaters have a reduced risk of cancer) and includes lean protein sources is the best nutritional strategy. Along with less saturated fat, sugar, and alcohol.

This book in my opinion is a nice inspiring read.    The author interviewed survivors and found 75 factors she thought could account for the healing. Nine of these factors BELOW occurred with the greatest frequency.

1.    Changing your diet

2.    Taking control of your health

3.    Following your intuition

4.    Using herbs and supplements

5.    Releasing suppressed emotions

6.    Increasing positive emotions

7.    Embracing social support

8.    Deepening your spiritual connection

9.    Having strong reasons for living

Regarding the first listed (changing your diet), most of the people Turner studied reduced sugar, red meat, dairy, and refined foods, and significantly increased their intake of fruits and veggies, chose organic, and drank filtered water.

One thing to NOT MISS is that since 7 of the 9 key factors Turner outlines in the book are emotional or spiritual in nature, you can implement all of these without interfering with conventional cancer treatments. The other two key factors (changing your diet and taking herbs and supplements) will require a more customized nutrition support care plan. You should seek guidance from a nutritional professional with expertise in oncology. But you can begin with these 7 right away......

Truly ask yourself which of these above – need the most attention to begin shifting – don’t gloss over  “the 7” ......really dig in and shift if needed….  The successful survivors I have met along the way seemed to embrace these well..... they had a certain "determination with love and light" about them.

I would also add in 2 others to her list - “breathing bubble”  in the morning and before bed (apple watch or phone or Respire App) and  the second thing is get great restorative sleep when you can (look into BrainTap or meditations, supplements, environment, etc). We use these tools in our Stronger Studio.

If you need more Nutrition specifics from me – come in for a supplement discussion/ or coaching even around “the 7”.  Jen Sletten RD, MA


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